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Periódicos Doblados

The most recent news article was published in "Las Últimas Noticias". This is, arguably the most popular newspaper in Chile.

When I read the title I got the chills. It seems that all geologists are vulcanologists to the non-expert public! Apologies to my vulcanologists friends!! Anyways, I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity!

Regardless, although they missed the discipline, they did a good job of summarizing our findings

Media appearances

Las Últimas Noticias.jpg

I am not a volcanologist but oh well... I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity!

The oxidation of volcanoes — a magma opus _ YaleNews.jpg
Carta Recomendación CSTassara .jpg
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And I am not Chilean, but again, I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity!

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